At the time we think about our misfortunes, somebody else have already in most unfortunate misfortunes. Most of the time we think about our small problem as really huge problem; not having enough saving, break with boyfriend or girlfriend, fear about the future, or anything else. Do we have even a glance thinking about the other? Someone from the Third World, a hungry child in the Third World? They have the most bigger problem in the world. Do we care about them? or we just care about our little misfortune?.
I know that we have our own problem, we have our own niche. But I don't think we've being created just for our very self. Stay around in our little circle. Absolutely not!. We are social being. We need other people and other people need us.
Look around you. Lo!, they need you. Start to caring them. Go, start to loving them. Don't say I'll do if I have enough courage. Don't say that!. Act Now.
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